Thursday, May 31, 2012

From Britain to India, a Mobile Experience

Things have been humming and buzzing in the TopCorner office as we close out the month of May.  The Core Team was lucky enough to host two very special guests from India and Britain in order to discuss the future of TopCorner on a Global Scale.  It was during these discussions that we realized that if we were going to mobilize TopCorner users around the globe, we were going to need a truly mobile platform.  With this goal in mind, TopCorner is proud to announce the development of TopCorner Mobile - that's right, TopCorner will be available on you phone in addition to your computer!  With the TopCorner App, you will be able to participate in TopCorner on the go. We recognize that everyone leads increasingly busy lives, and we want to make participation as easy and convenient as possible.  So whether you find yourself waiting for that class to start, the kids' soccer practice to end, that bus to arrive, or the meeting to begin, TopCorner is there for you.

Our meetings with folks from around the world have also helped to fortify our commitment to creating a platform that can work on a global level.  As a result, we have gone back to review all of our designs, tinkering and in some cases hammering, to create a platform that is not only usable on a global level, but also truly worthy of such a goal.  The changes we have made may have slowed us down a bit in launching, but the end result will be well worth the wait as TopCorner now cleaner, stronger, and simply more user friendly, on a global and local level.  When you see what we see now, we know that you will agree.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lawyers and Artists and Politicians, Oh my!

Unlike Dorthy and Co. on their trip to Oz, we are laying our own yellow brick road, brick by brick.  It has been a pretty exciting week for us over here at TopCorner, as the bricks we have been setting down are really starting to look like a road.  We met with the lawyers to make it all legal, signing the documents to make TopCorner that much more real.  We also finalized our Logo and Branding that we think looks pretty darn good (and we are highly anticipating the "Big Reveal").  It is another testament to the viability and ingenuity of crowd sourcing as we went through multiple stages of concept refinement and collaboration from multiple artists to arrive at our final choice.  True to form, we think the end result looks better than anything that could have been dreamed up by a single individual alone.  Finally, we continued our meetings with politicians at the national, state, and local levels, getting their feedback on TopCorner.  Meeting after meeting, we left with the sense that, when TopCorner goes live and your voices are joined, they will be listening.

On the technical front, the servers are buzzing and the keyboards are crunching and a live homepage is almost there!  While we fully plan to revise and edit the website as we learn and grow, we are all VERY excited about reaching this milestone.

So keep checking in & keep spreading the word, because we are almost there!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

TopCorner Explainer Video

May Day has come and gone and we here at are hustling and bustling to get the TopCorner website up and running.  While we are all very anxious for the website to be open to the public so that we can start helping to make your voices heard, we also want to be sure that when you join, your experience is as hassle free and enjoyable as possible.  To that end, we have our team of web designers pounding the keys while our community outreach group pounds the pavement.  Hopefully, before to long, we will be able to bring you; a place where you can turn your ideas into action and our dreams into reality.

Until that day comes, check out our new video explaining how it all works!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Welcome to TopCornerDiaries

Here at TopCorner, we get the sense that most of our fellow Americans feel like the current political situation isn't working.  With over 89% of Americans disproving of the way Congress is doing its job and 88% believing that money buys results in Congress, we understand that Americans don't believe the political system is working for them.  We get the the average American feels like the Special Interests control our government, and with our Representatives spending 40-70% of their time raising campaign funds, they are not far off.  We get that Americans are busy people: we go to school, we work, we raise our families. We understand that most of us just don't have the time or energy to rally in the streets.  Still, we are Americans.  We live in a country founded and maintained by the democratic process and every one of us knows in our hearts that we care about how our country, our state, and our local communities are governed.  We know that we would stand up and make our voices heard if only there was an easier and more effective way...That's where we come in...

We, the developers of TopCorner, have a dream, to create the best ever web-based social decision making platform aimed at producing political action.  Our goal is to create a new space where having a voice in politics and public policy is easy and engaging, a place where you can share your ideas with your friends, community, and countrymen.  And most importantly, we want to create a system in which your votes actually make a difference.

As we work day...and make our dreams of making your voices heard once more, TopCornerDiaries will be our way of keeping you informed of what we here at TopCorner are doing behind the scenes.  As we code, test, restructure, and improve, there won't be a need to wait for Toto to pull back the curtain...We'll happily do it for you.